The shortest distance to summit is to go straight up, however, we often take a more meandering path in life. When we feel like we have progressed, we seem to return to the same point where we have been before...again.
Carl Jung, a renowned psychotherapist had said” The true path to wholeness is a spiral one, not a straight line”.
Growth is about returning to the same point, experiences, crises, BUT noticing each time, the perspective is different, never really the same. If we look deeper, we realize we have ascended a little on the spiral path – with each curve and wind up the spiral, we understand ourselves, our path a little bit more. Spiral growths are also synonymous with growth in nature of plants, shells, trees producing beautiful patterns.
The spiral path can be so much richer with its “stunning sights and magical vistas” as said by Jung. I think I am on this spirally path, taking my time, meandering, looking over potholes I have encountered before. And slowly smoothening them out, filling them with earth each time, readying for the next ascent.