What made this year special for me were the unexpected doors that came ajar. Connections, opportunities, and adventures I never knew existed or thought I was eligible. Most of them, I stumbled upon. Others, I was invited to walk in...like the work of invisible hands.
Joseph Campbell, the author of "The Hero’s Journey" describes it best, with his idea of “Follow your Bliss”. Bliss, he explains, is the pursuit of what you are truly passionate about and give yourself absolutely to. Following the innate energy that naturally overflows has been a pleasant path for me. I made a point to follow the tinklings that gushes deep satisfaction and meaning, even if it did not look immediately rewarding, profitable, or clear where it would lead. Over time, these leads seem to create entirely new lives and doors. I wished I had more courage and boldness to answer the doors.
I hope to continue this path of bliss, not that it’s any easier or involves less hard work. But it is naturally prolific with little need for external fuels. Weirdly, the doors are aligned and harmonized, more than if I planned it myself. Serendipity is bliss. I wake up to ideas calling me every day. I wish for more mortal stamina, patience, and conviction to respond to the calls.
I think we are born with what we will need. The more we look at our innate gifts, we will eventually find a meaningful path. Apart from compensating for our weaknesses, we must begin to acknowledge our strengths, no matter how different they are. I have seen lives change very dramatically when people see strengths in their lives. I wish you bliss this season, and as we take stock of the year, to remember all the remarkable things you have done, no matter the outcomes.
“If you do follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. When you can see that, you begin to meet people who are in your field of bliss, and they open doors to you. I say, follow your bliss, and don't be afraid, and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be.” Joseph Campbell