As I gazed at the emotionally evocative artworks laid before me and listened to heartfelt stories, I was in awe.
It was a touching scene at an art workshop I ran on self-appreciation with students from a myriad of faculties at the University. It was the last for 2022, as examinations closed in, marking the end of the academic year. We talked about the ups and downs of life, and the bittersweet moments. The prominence of strength in their inner man shone through their artworks, whatever outward circumstances they may be facing.
This voyaging into the human spirit, beyond what is on the surface, through artmaking, has been truly remarkable. The stirring within transported me instantly to the varied scenes and sessions over the span of this year, where I bore witness to similarly compelling stories, like a long film on slow rewind.
As Autumn arrives, I begun to think about what I have sowed this year. And what is now in the fields for reaping.
Like planting seeds and watching them grow, I walked alongside many people this year. Most stood the test of challenging circumstances and trials. I was privileged to meet them at their forks in the road as a guide, a watering can, trickling in new perspectives, feeding their emotional buoyancy as they sought meaning and direction.
While working with them, I saw pictures of hope, love, faith, standing alongside, with sacrifice, hurt, loss, and pain. From them, I learned the wisdom of acceptance and riding with all that life throws at me. Being adept at the ballet of life prepares me for the show I am meant to perform. I believe I am on earth for a unique purpose. Although, I have no idea when the big show is. Perhaps it’s a compendium of mini-performances. In any case, if I keep showing up, I will not miss it.
This year, I had many firsts – new clients, programs, art projects, etc. There were countless moments of despair, anxiety, and paralyzing fears of incompetence. But I always showed up. Coping with bad weather is part of farming.
Just showing up is good enough, I figured. Showing up is an action in buoyancy and persistence, even if unprepared. The alternative is to say no and slip away, along with any opportunity for learning or growth. I have been surprised by how issues resolve themselves if I stay the course, one day at a time.
Planting a bit each day, I need not be anxious about the how, when, or the what of fruiting. Showing up, being present, and seizing the moment seems to be a better strategy. I am sufficient for the job! Rest is also crucial for the long haul, enjoying flowers on the way. Rushing to yank flowers before their time, only leads to ruins, not fruits.
So, as I stood before the students this week, I felt, just like them, I have shown up for life this year. I tried not to judge myself, wondering if I might be worthy or successful. I am attuned to the present, and to others around me. I realized how far I could go if I trusted the process and what everyone else could do. An accumulation of effort goes a very long way. I have many people to be grateful for, those who never fail to remind me to chill, yet demand that I dream big or go home. I think I have found a way for rest and ambition to co-exist.
And there it is, my harvest. The marvelous people I have met, the many ‘firsts’ and poignant journeys I have taken with extraordinary human beings. And the wisdom of just showing up. I am glad I showed up to labor every day, put in my best to sow, plow, fertilize and weed. Having devoted time to nurturing, I reap this year’s harvest with immense appreciation and thankfulness.